Saturday, February 9, 2013


It's been a much has happened and this is a fun update!

It's official. I feel like I've finally starting LIVING the life I'd always imagined for myself. One full of ambition, friends, excitement and most importantly....Love.
You know, as little girls we daydream about the future, always playing dress up and make believe. We wish on a million stars to be pretty and happy and have prince charming appear at our side but we never really know what will come of it all. We think that if we are good, brush our teeth before bed and eat all our veggies that the stars will align for us and life will just "work out". Unfortunately we all know that that is not always the case. Throughout my 34 years I've learned that ONLY through blood, sweat, tears, hard work, crying, kicking and screaming do you get what you want.
So.....I have bled, sweat, cried, worked hard, kicked and screamed at the top of my lungs and guess what?

I got what I want :)

This is for anyone who ever thought you couldn't have it all (including myself who was beginning to wonder)

You can.

Now, i'm not saying I have everything i've ever wanted because lord knows I have a bucket list of things still to experience- but for now- i'm happy. 

I am buying a house! A real house, not one made of lego or gingerbread. A real house with a real kitchen a real lawn and a real mortgage lol.

Everything is happening so fast. First off, Glenn and I decided to move in together. We knew it was a big step but it definately felt right. We began looking at any and every house in our price range. We placed about 5 offers only to be rejected and rejected. It is an awful feeling to get so excited about a house, start planning your furniture layout only to be turned down. I had heard buying a house would be a roller coaster ride and they weren't lying. We had our hearts broken so many times. We went through 2 realtors, a million houses and finally after just doing it on our own....we found the house. It's PERFECT for us. Offers were placed and accepted, inspections were done and now....this week....we have the final appraisal. I find myself daydreaming about living in our house, arranging our furniture, cooking meals....what if something goes wrong? What if we don't get the house? All we can do now is hope and pray and cross our fingers that by March that house will be ours! The day we sign those papers will probably be the most monumental day of my life thus far. And to do it with someone I care about so much...means the absolute world to me.

This brings me to him.

It's crazy to have taught with someone for over 6 years and to not have known they were perfect for you. Literally like two pieces of a puzzle. How does that happen?Why couldn't we have met sooner?
I've thought and thought about it. I think I know why.

I recently saw the movie "Perks of being a wallflower". Basically it's just a cute movie about the trials and tribulations of life as a teenager but they said one line that really hit home. Like REALLY hit home.

For so long I thought I knew what I wanted.
For so long I felt I deserved LESS than the best.
For so long I GOT just that....less than the best.
It wasn't until I was in a good place in my life with a clear vision of what I wanted that happiness finally presented itself.
And happiness was in the form of a guy named Glenn.

Thank you. Just thank you. Thats all I can say. You have pushed and challenged me in ways you can't even imagine. I am so excited for our future and to see where we will go next.
I feel like in the book we're writing we are only in the intro with so many chapters left to write. I can't wait to get started.
Here's to a Best Seller.