Saturday, August 16, 2014

Closing out my blog...for now...

It has been quite some time since I blogged and I feel it's time to close out, say my goodbyes and perhaps start a new 'different' kind of blog. My "first year" nursing journey has now turned into 3 years and boy what a journey it's been. I have loved chronicling my adventures and stories and i'm so grateful to be able to let it all out through words. Please know that in all my writings I changed the names and specifics of cases to respect privacy and provided only pictures of situations similar to what I was going through. I think I was able to describe and story tell while still respecting privacy and confidentiality.

People lately have been asking "why don't you blog anymore"?'s for a variety of reasons but mostly because after your first year as an ER nurse...nothing surprises you anymore lol! Being an Emergency nurse is such an incredible job but man is it hard and intense work. I am proud to say I have had the privilege of precepting many new nurses to the department and think that is my new passion. Seeing nurses so inspired, determined and scared takes me back to 3 years ago and keeps me humble. My goal was to provide them all with valuable information but most importantly with some confidence and hope. I have even encouraged some of them to come back and read some blog stories so they know they are not alone. Crazy stuff happens to us everyday as nurses and we get through it. That's what we do.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to write and who believed in me wholeheartedly. Putting my feelings down on paper not only allowed me to release them and let them go but it gave me memories I won't soon forget. I believe I am a stronger and more passionate person because of nursing and I hope my love for my job will only continue to grow. I have said since day one that if this job is making me too hard I will walk away....well... I may have a hard candy shell but i'm still all soft and gooey on the inside so my feet are firmly planted for many years to come.

Here's to the future......Emma