Thursday, October 27, 2011

A summary

where do i begin?

Monday: orientation to the hospital from 8-5. Boring meetings on policy and procedure but wow....everyone was so NICE! I met all of the directors and everyone was genuinely welcoming and kind. I felt instantly at home. Oh and the food they served us was unbelieveable. Bravo to the hospital chef.

Tuesday: More meetings, but only to the new nurses and guess what? There were only 3 of us! The meetings were intensive, everything from scheduling to payroll to Emergency room protocol. These meetings were more engaging because they were directed specifically at us, the nurses.

Wednesday: Computer training :( Very overwhelming. Very fast. Very crammed into 8 hours. Oh....funny story...We are sitting at our computers and I smell smoke. I'm looking around thinking doesn't anyone else smell this? I start looking under the computer for something burning, I look at my new BFF natalie and we both mouth the words " are we on fire" lol? We told the professor our concern and he just continued teaching! All of a sudden you see smoke in the air and the smell now is crazy strong. Then... the fire alarm goes off!!!!!! WE FREAK OUT AND GRAB OUR STUFF. We walk in the hall and there was a legit fire a couple doors down the hall. We had to evacuate! How crazy?! I wondered what they would do with the patients...good news....they didn't do anything lol. They stayed in their beds. Thank god everyone was okay :)

Thursday/today: Today was awesome! We got to spend the day in the ER with the director. We watched in awe as the staff moved so fast in and out of rooms, dealing with the ambulances, doctors, tears, laughter. I thought to myself: I cannot wait to feel so confident in my job that i can react so quickly. I had a wonderful moment with a doctor. He was very friendly and i felt comfortable asking him questions. We had to stop a patients heart and i wanted to ask him why and how etc  etc. So I did! I named the drugs I wanted to give the patient and described the EKG i saw. He said i was right! I was thrilled. I am proud of myself for speaking up and am determined to maintain that sense of wonder in the near and distant future.

I cannot wait for tomorrow. We will spend another day learning our way around the ER and learning the in's and out's of survival.

I feel so encouraged. I know this is where i'm supposed to be. It just feels right. 

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